Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Long time, no blog!

Well, at least my blog started out strong! Is it a sign that I am a bad blogger if I go 14 months between posts? Probably so....

I did, in fact, play in Event #3 as planned at last year's World Series of Poker. It was a great experience, and I will share some interesting moments toward the end of this entry. I finished about 700th out of 3000'ish players (they don't tell you exactly what spot you finished in until it gets down to last 300 people or so).

Our first baby arrived in January (my wife is from Wisconsin, and she went into labor just as the NY Giants' field goal went through the uprights to beat the Packers in the NFC Championship -- and coincidentally, Brett Favre's last game), so with all the excitement, I decided not to play in this year's World Series. Right now, several events have been completed in Las Vegas, and reading the results has made me realize how much I miss playing cards on a regular basis.

Although I have not been playing quite as much lately, I have been tracking my true wins/losses since I was at the Rio, and I am about $400-$500 up for 2008. I really think if I can focus on my game that I can win enough for a buy-in for 2009.

When I play at the World Series in 2009, I believe I am going to play a non-No Limit Hold 'Em elimination-style event. At my buy-in level (probably $1500) the fields of players are just too large, and it is too much of a crap shoot. The 3,000 players in Event #3 last year was just so overwhelming, and the scene was so chaotic, that in and of itself was exhausting. For next year, I am looking at either a Limit Hold 'Em event (where each bet or raise that a player makes is limited to a certain amount, as opposed to No Limit, where a player can bet or raise all of his or her chips at any time), or possibly a No Limit Hold 'Em Shootout (where each individual table plays until one person has all the chips at the table, and then each winner goes to a new table made up of other winners from other tables, and the process continues until there is one overall winner) -- who knows, if I have a great year, maybe I'll do one of each!

Please accept my profuse apologies for letting the blog go. I can't guarantee that I will be as consistent about updating the blog as I used to be, but I will promise to try my best to make good quality entries when I do! Stay tuned as the quest continues.

Here are a few interesting things that happened during the tournament last year.....


Waiting in line to register the day before the tournament.........

Johnny Chan: What is this line for?
Irish James: Event registration... it's where you should be.
Johnny: You think these people would care if I slipped in line?
Irish James: I think you've earned it.
Johnny: Which event are you in?
Irish James: #3... $1500.. you?
Johnny: The $5000 tomorrow. Do you have $5000 cash? [Flashes a $5K Rio chip]
Irish James: No.

I then proceed to sign up for my event in one of the two cages open for registration. Two feet to my right, Johnny Chan signs up for the $5000 event at the same time.

Irish James: Good luck, Johnny.
Johnny: Same to you.

I might have paid the $1500 just to have that conversation.


Sitting at my first table, waiting for the tournament to start...

Guy in seat 8: You have got to be kidding me...
Irish James: [Looks around... sees Greg Raymer, 2004 World Champion, sitting down in seat #1]

Greg Raymer and I were involved in one hand heads up. I was dealt two 8's, and called. Raymer raised, everyone folded to me and I called his raise. He put his fossil glasses on put his hand in his chin and stared at me (I think). The flop was A-Q-J. I checked, he bet, and I folded. He said, "That was a good flop, but I didn't want you to see any more cards." I fantasized about giving him the finger, but I just nodded and smirked as if I didn't believe him.... and no, I did not believe him.


After dinner, I was hurrying to get back to my table, and nearly got run over by someone on a three-wheeled scooter. I stopped, he stopped, and I looked at him. It was 10-time bracelet winner Doyle Brunson. He said, "Excuse me!", and kept going.

1 comment:

Sonny Harding said...

Oh, what a pleasure to see James pop up in my Google Reader account again! Keep it coming.